The 2025 Annual Meeting for the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Wyoming will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025 in Casper!
More details will be announced in next spring's Cowboy Log newsletter. Watch for its arrival by April 1st!
The Are you interested in serving as the Wyoming Mayflower Society's next Secretary/Treasurer? We have a vacancy in our Officer Board and we need your help to fill it!
During our officer election portion of the Annual Meeting in May, we had no volunteers for these positions, but it is essential to our Society's functions and we need to fill it urgently. It can be split into two separate positions, but they depend on each other for several functions and can also be filled by only one individual.
Because the positions work in sync to fulfill responsibilities, they need to communicate regularly in order to work well, it has been filled by one person for the past several years, especially since the number of volunteers has been few. No prior experience is necessary AND training will be absolutely provided! It's rewarding and educational as well!
If you are interested in serving, would you please contact Governor Jim Core at:
[email protected]
to let him know of your interest. We are happy to discuss the responsibilities with you and address any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you for your assistance in helping us fill our positions!
Our Compact Day presentation was held on Saturday, November 23rd at 10:30 MST for this year's Annual Compact Day online event! The keynote speaker was Paula Marcoux, a Plymouth-based food historian with a background in archaeology, cooking, and living history! She is the author of Cooking with Fire, and many magazine articles, most recently a series for Gastro Obscura. She teaches hands-on cooking and imparts ideas about food in history to diverse audiences across the country and around the world. We very much enjoyed her speaking to our Society this past year!
Dues are $70 for Annual Members, and Assessments are $35 for Life Members.
As a reminder, Life Members only pay the General Mayflower Society Assessments but not Wyoming Mayflower Dues.
Members can pay online through our website or send a check to our Treasurer at the address which will be included in this fall's Wyoming Mayflower Cowboy Log newsletter.